2020 Women in Global Development Leadership Forum

May 6, 2020 | Washington d.c.


The world's largest forum on women's leadershiP,

equity, diversity and inclusion

in the global development sector.

One-day forum for leaders at all stages of their career in the global development sector who want to deepen their individual leadership skills and build a culture of inclusive leadership in their organizations and our sector.

Register early, the 2019 event sold out.


who attends

Join 350+ participants from private sector companies, non-profits, governments, social enterprises, foundations and grant-making organizations.



Interactive Plenaries + Skills Workshops + Networking

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Get Involved

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350+ women and men will converge in Washington DC on May 6, 2020 for the third edition of this unique global event. Join us for a full day of inspiring, interactive, collaborative session with one focus: to increase the power and influence of women, and diverse, leaders in the global development sector.
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